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Event Support Services

Post-Event Reporting

After the event, how do you capture your program details? AetherQuest Solutions, Inc. will deliver all your event statistics, attendee evaluations, a reconciled budget, program successes, lessons learned, and recommendations for future events, in a comprehensive post-event report. With this report, we want to empower our clients to not only to compare their initial meeting goals with the outcomes, but to monitor their event's evolution year over year. In our post-event packages, expect AetherQuest Solutions, Inc. to:

  • Provide all of your event data, information analysis, and trends in one comprehensive file.
  • Compare event goals to outcomes.
  • Deliver quantitative and qualitative data on all aspects of the event.
  • Include a final pick-up report and room list, if applicable.
  • Provide lessons learned and recommendations to improve upcoming events.
  • Conduct a financial reconciliation.
  • Facilitate a debrief meeting with the client.
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